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Round metal plate with cutouts for electrical sockets on a gray background.

A collection of metal knurled nuts scattered on a surface.

Close-up of a pile of shiny metal springs.

Round metal plate with cutouts for electrical sockets on a gray background.
Nickel Plating: Ontario’s Source for Watts, Sulfamate & Bright Nickel
Precision Plating offers rack, barrel and wired nickel plating on steel, brass, copper, and cast iron.
We plate with three kinds of nickel:
- Bright nickel
Used for industrial, engineering and decorative purposes
Brighteners added to bath can produce mirror-like finish
Good toughness and strength
Higher hardness than our other nickels
- Sulfamate nickel
Pure plating containing no brighteners
Used as a pre-plate on electrical contacts before precious metal layer
We do nickel plating to QQ-N-290 or equivalent. Thicknesses range from 0.0002"- 0.0016".
To get a quote on nickel plating, please call our plating facility in London, Ontario.
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